How to Use Editable Graphics

Editable graphics allow you to edit the text and color of your graphic overlays and stickers. You can then apply these to your clips and images through the Generator!


Reviewing your graphics available for use in the Generator is easy! In the left-hand navigation panel in your AdPipe account, click ‘Library’. Under Media, select 'Graphics'.

Here, you will be able to view ALL of your graphics. 

You can also select an editable graphic from the library and create a new copy of it, customizing the text and color using the graphics editor.

An editable graphic is indicated by the yellow pencil icon at the top left corner of the graphic thumbnail.


To view an individual graphic in greater detail, click on the graphic. Quick View mode will then appear, allowing you to see more details about the graphic from the graphics library.


To use an editable graphic, you’ll first need to choose the video clip or image you intend to apply it to (Searching your media).

Once you've located the content you'd like to edit, select ‘Create’. This will bring you to the “Scene” panel.

Click the “Graphics” under scene to display all available Graphics.

On the left side of the panel, you’re able to see editable (yellow pencil) and non-editable graphics. If you hover over the thumbnail of any graphic, a preview will play. 

Select the graphic you'd like to apply.

Once you click your desired graphic, the ‘Edit Overlay’ window will appear. Within the left menu, you’ll see all elements which are able to be adjusted. In this example,  you can change the text, text color, and color of the rectangle. 

Once you are satisfied with your editable graphic, click “Generate Animation” on the bottm right of the window and it will be placed over your media.

Once your animation generates, you will be brought back to the graphics page where you’ll see your editable graphic newly applied to your clip.

You can continue to add more graphics to your asset, and once your design is complete, click ‘Generate’.

Once your asset has been generated, it will be located in Library > Assets. Download and post it on social media or send through a shareable link!

Learn more about Creating and Customizing Assets.

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