How to Create Graphics

There are many ways to add graphics to your library in AdPipe and they don’t all require you to be a graphic designer. 

It can be as simple as adding a PNG file of your logo or brand icons or as complex as creating custom overlays using Adobe After Effects. 


GIFs, MOV, MP4, PNG, WEBM, and JSON file types can be used.


There are many ways to create a graphic that can be used in AdPipe. It is most common to create graphics in Adobe After Effects if you are trying to add motion to your assets (which we highly recommend!)

Static graphics can be created in Adobe Photoshop or Illustrator and must be exported as a .PNG file. 

For overlays, be sure to size them in one of the following aspect ratios: 1920x1080, 1080x1920 and 1080x1080).

Graphics created for digital use should have a minimum resolution of 72ppi.


Our team leverages Adobe After Effects and utilizes Lottie files to create editable graphics. It’s a nuanced process and best suited for those with strong technical chops.

We are happy to create graphics for you! Simply contact your CSM or fill out our Custom Request Form.

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