Duplicating an Asset

Announcing the New Asset Duplication Feature

We’re excited to introduce Asset Duplication! Now you can duplicate a finished, ready-to-post video asset and access the creation stage, allowing for seamless updates and changes.

How to Duplicate an Asset

Follow these simple steps to duplicate an asset:

  1. Locate the Asset: Find the video asset you wish to duplicate in your asset library.
  2. Click on the Double Boxes Icon: At the bottom of the asset, click on the double boxes icon.
  3. Open the Creator Tool: This action will reopen the asset in the creator tool.
  4. Make Your Changes: Edit or make any desired changes within the creator tool.
  5. Generate New Asset: Click on the "Generate" button to create your new asset.
  6. Find Your New Asset: The newly created asset will appear in your asset library, ready for use.

Note: The duplication tool is used instead of an edit function to protect existing links and posts. This ensures your original asset remains intact and unaffected.

*You will only be able to duplicate and edit new assets created after the launch of this feature.

Enjoy the flexibility of the new Asset Duplication feature!

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