How to Share Your Media

Once you have an Asset or Post that you are ready to share you can:

  1. Download your asset from the Asset or Post Library
    1. To do this directly from your library, click the arrow on the specific asset you'd like to share. This is located in the lower right corner of your asset. The following options will appear: MP4 Original, MP4 Small, GIF Small, GIF Tiny,
    2. To do this directly from the asset, you can click the download button in the top right of your AdPipe account.

  2. Share you Content
    1. To do this directly from your library, click the share icon on the specific asset you'd like to share. This is located in the lower right corner of your asset next to the download arrow.

    2. When you click share a window will pop up that directs you to 'Create Shareable Links'. Fill in the Call to Action you'd like to appear with your asset as well as the Destination URL you want the asset to be directed to when clicked and click the 'Update' button. *UTM parameters may be included in the destination url.

    3. Select the channel you'd like to post to at the bottom of the window and a link will be copied to your clipboard.
    4. Navigate to the selected channel and paste the link into the text box where you'd like your asset to appear.
    5. When selecting the </> HTML embed sharing option, a block of code will be copied to your clipboard. This can then be leveraged in any email editor (or website) by adding a 'code block' and pasting the code directly. This will then result in the media and link populating in the desired location.
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